Mission Driven Impact
Seeds of Hope Initiative

Seeds of Hope Initiative
This initiative is the overarching mission of Seed to give back and make an impact through our expertise in solar, electric and engineering. Impactful giving is a core fundamental of Seed. It is emblematic of our relationships with local non-profit organizations that make a difference here in the Capital District and across the world.
To Learn More About Giving Back At Seed
Click here to read Seed’s feature in Rensselaer Technology Park’s Success Stories.
To Love A Child
The impact
of Love
To Love a Child
This initiative is a close one to Seeds heart. From volunteer trips to provide necessary engineering services in faraway villages; to serving on the board of directors, To Love a Child is an organization worth supporting to Seed.
To Love a Child is a Clifton Park-based organization focused on providing humanitarian assistance to impoverished children and their families in Haiti and Zimbabwe. Part of their efforts includes; distributing solar-powered lanterns for rural towns and health clinics to utilize.
solar powered Luci Lights
The gift of light
Luci Inflatable Solar Lights
Previously partnering with To Love a Child, our founder was inspired when he traveled with them to Haiti to bring his expertise to both solar and clean water projects.
For As a part of Seeds Solar’s commitment, we have partnered with To Love a Child and Mpowered, Makers of the Luci Original inflatable solar light. Our Misson is to make an impact and spread the power of solar around the globe!
Act Now
For every solar powered light purchased, Seed will donate a light to To Love a Child. And they will bring that light on their next mission trip. To Love a Child has been distributing solar lanterns in Haiti and Zimbabwe for many years. These lanterns are lighting the way for children to study, nurses to deliver babies, adults to read, and teachers to prepare their curriculum.
Luci Original – Inflatable Solar Light ($24.95)
Giving Back
Socially responsible
Giving back is a core value of Seed. We demonstrate this with our volunteer work in solar and clean water projects through organizations such as To Love a Child, RPI’s Engineers for a Sustainable World, and RPI’s Engineers Without Borders.
Habitat For Humanity - Capital District
Green AFfordable Housing
Seed is proud to support Habitat for Humanity – Capital District’s mission to build Energy Star and NGBS-certified, high-quality, affordable housing for Albany and Rensselaer Counties.
Engineers Without Borders - RPI
Panama Project
Seed is a mentor and Responsible Engineer In Charge (REIC) for the Engineers Without Borders – Rensselaer Polytechnic Chapter’s project in the Bocas Del Toro region of Panama projects!
Click here to donate and join us in support of the impactful clean water and solar projects.